Note from Teachers      Sponsorship

Left to right: Susan Songstad, B.A., Biology; Kathleen
Buckley, E.D.D.; and Connie Kelly, M.A.T., Biology

The My Blood, Your Blood® Teacher's Guide is designed to extend and complement the information presented in the Video Program.

In writing the Teacher's Guide, we collected activities and information to help you plan a curriculum centered around the importance of blood in our lives.

For us, the only problem was where to stop. Clearly, blood can be considered our physiological "center of the universe" since it carries out the essential functions of:

  • transporting nutrients and molecules
  • regulating our internal environment
  • protecting us from disease

In organizing the content of the My Blood, Your Blood® Teacher's Guide, we chose not to categorize the lessons by age group. Instead, the activities are grouped by blood functions:

Transportation, Regulation, Protection as well as a section we titled Consideration, on decision-making and the importance of blood donation.

Because you know your students and their abilities, this information can be adapted to suit your situation, whether it is a traditional classroom or a home school.

The Teacher's Guide follows current National Science Education Standards.

The My Blood, Your Blood® project is endorsed by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health.

As a teacher, I really appreciate how well thought-out this program is. …I’m really impressed!


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